Items can not yet be purchased online through this site but please send us your order by filling out the Contact Us below and we will start the ball rolling.
If you have any questions or requests please let us know. Payments can be made by EFT and details will be given once order is placed. Full payment is required to proceed with order. With most orders having a turn around time of 7 days. Delivery to metropolitan Adelaide FREE- postage required to be paid for any orders over 20kms travel.
If you have any questions or requests please let us know. Payments can be made by EFT and details will be given once order is placed. Full payment is required to proceed with order. With most orders having a turn around time of 7 days. Delivery to metropolitan Adelaide FREE- postage required to be paid for any orders over 20kms travel.

TERM 3 BOOKING Movin & Groovin Fitness Classes @ John McVeity Centre Fridays 4:00pm-4:45pm
A$7.00 - A$33.00
A$7.00 - A$33.00

Zumba Gold Mondays 1-2pm